Tuesday – Cody’s Birthday

Posted by Jim - April 28th, 2009

Lighting stuff before being set upTuesday, April 28, 2009. Cody’s (Ance’s Son) Birthday.

Again, I’m burned out, forget what the weather was like. (I’m writing these on May 3rd)

In the photo here, that’s the wife and son of the guy who owns the lighting business. All the boxes (on wheels, maybe I should call them trunks?) and all the metal scaffolding behind the people there are part of the lighting set up. This year they included a projection teevee that showed the audience what we were shooting.

The lighting crew are a separate entity. We volunteered our skills and gave the charity free air time. I’m not sure about anybody else. Things I wouldn’t think chateau gonflable twice about asking somebody in the states are just not asked up here. (or at least I get that impression- it doesn’t feel oppressive, it’s kind of like, “Okay- they value many things more than US people do, or just show it differently…..” kinda goes along with the theme of ‘two peoples divided by a common language’ / what ya take for granted can get you in big trouble with yourself or people you care about…)
