{ by -> H.J.d’Aerendel } – Monday, September 19th, 2016 — 18°C / 64°F and foggy in my little corner of Atlantic Canada @ 9:14 am—
— I am not the world’s biggest fan of tweeted and effbooked pets, but I couldn’t resist this guy —
— I don’t know, maybe I’ve eaten too much genetically modified high fructose corn syrup lately and it’s completely freakin destroyed my brain – but today I actually wanted to do up a blog post of this stuff –
— ¿¿¿ Help – The Tweet-Us-Sphere is reading my mind and manifesting schnarr from my imagination — ???
— I may have stolen this from another tweeter — but I’m giving her credit by leaving her “@info+etc.” intact – so maybe she won’t want to crucify me?
— I hope I spelled her name right, I need to go get my eyes checked. & ‘sans-serif’ fonts are the worst —— Guten Tag –,
— h.j.d’A —