February 6th, 2022 –

Sunday – February 6th, 2022 —> -8˚C /+17.6˚F @ 3:15 pm in Atlantic Canada – { Was my aunt Phylis’ Birthday 🙂 }


Draeydan & Shelley at Daybreak

– Latest couple of characters from my latest NaNoWriMo novel –

— { I was shocked to see how good the above screen shot looks on a gaming monitor. }


Path to Deer Hill

– Snow-Blown path from tool shed to ‘Deer Hill’ { Taken from squatting down low – The snow piles are not over our heads } – Photo taken yesterday, February 5th, 2022. –

— Um, we do not live in igloos in Canada – We do need air conditioners in the summer … { And “Wellington Court” was named after someone whose middle name was Wellington { Last name was Pond – The street began with five houses in a cluster – all inhabited by families related to each other – whose  last name was Pond. }

— Haven’t done much with my Genealogy blog —> https://aerendel.ca/DNA-Tree/ <— Looked up the spelling on my Aunt Phyl’s name and got lost – didn’t find it.

— The other night I was at my living room computer { One of several computers – the living room computer is hooked up to a really good set of speakers that we use to listen to live podcasts from time to time } — I heard something and turned to watch a colander jump up and slide down the wall behind our living room wood stove. … The love of my life subscribes to a friend’s Psychic podcast and has asked questions from time to time. … This house has some very unusual acoustic qualities. People talking to each other a couple streets away sound like they’re in the next room – I’ve heard our sadly deceased Labrador ‘Boof’ clipping down the hall now and then { and felt my favourite orange cat jump on my arm two years after he dropped his physical body and went off to play in the happy hunting grounds 🙂 } … a really sensitive psychic said that was because we live in a spot with a bowl shaped sort of spiritual amphitheatre – where curious inter-dimensional beings sometimes stop by to check the place out – when my love asked who played with the colander the psychic source rattled off a series of names including my cousin’s { Joan Pond’s } name – { Her birthday was last week – {{ Happy Birthday Joan! }}  } – Which prompted me to check out her net presence and she’s still with us {{{ Yay! }}} — But hey, if you’re  growing telekinetic talents – tell me about it, Cuz – }} {{{ Or was it one of the Ponds who lived on this street in the past dropping by and saying hello? }}}

— until next time…

~~~~~ Jim


I think it's cool that one of the newest options in facebook, since they insist on trying to convince you that you NEED to enter all this information is: School Attended " "None of your effing business". If I know you- you know me. If I don't know you, I'll tell you only as much as I want to tell you.

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