Last Messed with Saturday, 25 July, 2015 4:35 AM |
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Blogs: | North Pole, Alaska Weather: Click for weather forecast | Fredericton, New Brunswick Weather: Click for weather forecast | Ithaca, New York Weather: Click for weather forecast |
"Jernil Stuff" Page | "Aerendel" dot ca (Canada) & dot org (organization) consists of Jim Wellington and Cathi Harris, Geneve Blue, J d'Aerendel, Jassper LeBoof, & Stan Neuman in Atlantic Canada - Doug Otterson, Rachel Otterson, & Derrick Kenwood in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State - Tjum Dao & Rocky Talxalot (A.K.A. "Indigo KnightEagle") in undisclosed locations - And family, friends, and correspondents around Ottawa, and Toronto, (Ontario) Canada - & in North Pole, Alaska; Milford Connecticut; Bridgeport, Connecticut; "Somewhere near Hartford, Connecticut"; "Somewhere near New London, Connecticut"; Rutland and Springfield, Vermont; Mont Vernon & Milford, New Hampshire; A couple out of the way places in Maine, Colorado, California, West Virginia, Middle Earth, New York City, and probably somewhere in orbit close to the edge of the pull of Earthly gravity in what you probably think of as "outer space" - Not to mention the recent emmigree's to the Astral Universe- {{ "I told you not to mention that" - }} & contrary to popular rumours, Howard the Duck is not one of our inside sources / whistle blowers - We have tried to arrange this page with 'General Interest News Blogs' first and then the more esoteric stuff below that, with the really weird and old stuff down the bottom- So there is method to this madness? |
"Doug Otterson's "Radio Free Earth News" Blog":
Ithaca, New York Weather:
Click for weather forecast |
"Latest Insights From Canada":
"The Truth Is All Around You":
Fredericton, New Brunswick Weather:
"Doug Otterson's "Light-Workers Unlimited" Blog":
"Fambly Stuff WordPress Blog": [ Invitation only blog, will not show up if you're not signed in. ]
"Dream Jernil at Wird Press - WordPress Blog":
"Aerendel's First WordPress Blog":
"Jim's ( old) MySpace Page / Revamped?":
"TaleRocker's (very old) Bravenet Journal / Blog":
"Doug Otterson's 2006 LiveJournal Blog":
The above blogs are a partial listing that may be updated sooner or later. As of 9:59 local time on March 12, 2010 (My friend's, Larry's, birthday, this is what I've got..... (jim)