“What you see is Perception, Not the Truth” — Marcus Aurelius

— Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019 – -12˚C / +10˚F & cloudy in Atlantic Canada @ 11:11 am – & updated @ 4:35 pm Atlantic time = with -8˚C / +17˚F & ‘Heavy Snow’ falling here – according to my weather app. –
Red in the Morning.

– “Red in the Morning” – sunrise in Marysville, January 23rd, 2019 – 7:47 am – Atlantic Time –

— An opening line from the original “Kung-Fu” teevee series that stuck with me all this time: “To learn all there is to know about the good in this world, one lifetime is not enough – To learn all there is to know about evil – one hour is too much.” —> The Hindu model of the cycles of life in the material world – and they kept knowledge from rumoured golden ages when we on earth may have had technologies that dwarf what we have today – says that at about 500 AD we hit rock bottom in a 26,000 year cycle that effects our ability to think and reason and live – at rock bottom most ‘intelligent’ life on earth could only understand the purely physical. The ‘vibrations’ in that region of the material universe are so dense they make it nearly impossible to use our minds to anything like our full potential. — In about 1500 AD we progressed to the next level where most sentient life could understand the concept of electricity – electricity could travel through metal like water could travel through a sponge. { So maybe a soul could live inside a physical body? } — We may be approaching the next higher level – where most of us will understand that magnetism can control electricity and effect the physical aspects of life. { I’m not sure whether human consciousness goes up and/or down through 3 or 4 levels of understanding and ability to perceive and think – The Hindu model says we have seven physical ‘chakras’ or energy centers in our bodies. The lowest one is the sexual center – which actually operates on energy that is higher and finer than some of the higher centers. There is a reason that human beings feel ‘religious experiences’ during and just after sexual experiences – especially when higher emotion, like love, empathy, or appreciation, admiration, and stuff like that is involved. – But human consciousness can almost certainly evolve to the point where we can use our higher intellectual functions to control magnetism and thereby electro-magnetic currents and forces, etc. – The physical center is next up the ladder, then the lower intellectual center – {{ego}} Then the emotional center – {{ Emotions happen faster and at a finer level than ‘academic thought’ – You can’t control your emotions with your ego }} –  Then there’s the higher intellectual center – where creativity and inspiration come through – above that we become aware of ‘super-consciousness’ where ‘saints’ and psychopaths can tune in on ‘spooky interactions at a distance’ and perceive stuff going on in parallel dimensions and either believe they’re losing their minds or cross their fingers and hope they’re experiencing evolution on a personal level. – above that individuals discover ‘psychic’/’spiritual’ powers – like telekinesis and astral travel and all that fantastic stuff that pseudo science calls delusion, because if they haven’t experienced something – it doesn’t exist in their understanding and when their egos are empowered – they have to strike out and convince themselves that anybody who ‘believes’ in that kind of ‘nonsense’ must be delusional at best and psychotic at worst – and probably dangerous. – Dangerous to anybody with a closed mind and shaky grasp of what reality just might be all about. } { When you are fully identified with your sexual center, guess what you want to do? – When you are fully identified with your physical center you probably want to remain at rest forever – When you click in to your lower intellectual center you like to learn and quantify and label and count – When you click in to your emotional center – you want to hug a lot and nurture a lot & you may want to get even with real and/or imaginary slights by people you care about – or anyone who threatens those you care about. — When you click in to your higher intellectual center – you want to know who we are, where we came from, is there a God? Is there life after physical death – do our parents and teachers have any idea what is actually happening here? – And you start to get answers and hunger and thirst for more — When you click into your ‘higher emotional center’ you feel overwhelming love and compassion for all beings and want to communicate with Buddhas and Saints and Sages and Spiritual Masters – and you start by hoping that it is true that all true religious teachers have discovered that the ultimate Truth behind all Religions is constant and all the truly ‘enlightened’ ones agree completely on what Heaven and Earth are all about and the perceived differences between religious teachings come about because that ‘One Truth’ has to be described in terms that people in all the various cultures and levels of understanding can grasp and believe in. —> And there may actually be more and higher levels – but if you haven’t been ‘infected’ with the experience of slightly higher levels – and never had the kind of experience that really opens your eyes and heart and mind – you probably won’t believe there is anything out there or up there – so ‘They’ tell us ‘we can’t get there from here’ and if you try to stay on top of the ocean – you sink – and if you try to sink – you float { Thank You Allan Watts } – and if you spend time and energy trying to see into the Divine before you’re ready, all you’re going to get is frustration – so for now – just believe that unlimited consciousness and immortality in the depths of your consciousness is possible { but a few attitudes and ‘states of mind’ might need to change along the way – and you’ll have to wait and see what all that is like when it happens to you. } — The last big jump up for those of us in the material universe might come in a couple more thousand years when most of us understand that consciousness can control magnetism, which can control electricity, which can effect physical/material objects. – This would be the fabled ‘golden age’ When the majority of sentient beings on this planet begin to understand what life is all about, why we’re here and what ‘God’ might be all about. { This explanation of mine is probably an extremely basic, almost simplistic explanation of what Hindu philosophers and ‘saints’ discovered many thousand years ago, back before Göbekli Tepe days, possibly before Gilgamesh and his gang were here. } — And the ‘Don’t take anything I say as the Ultimate Truth of all existence – Test it – and see if you can punch holes in it – run it up the flagpole and see if anybody drags it down and burns it – and then try to figure out what their agenda might be.’ – cautionary warning label here could be that no giant steps forward by our whole diverse population can be guaranteed when you add the monkey wrench of free will into that equation. – But without that monkey wrench we just might wither and die spiritually. — I should quit here, but let me add that the Hindu philosophers have preserved the idea or ‘knowledge’ that the material universe is the lowest and smallest of several dimensional universes, with the ‘Astral’ or emotional universe being the next finest and much larger universe, where many believe we all go when we dream, — and then the ‘Causal’ or higher intellectual universe is that much finer and larger than the ‘Astral’ universe – and those who have progressed to that level can create anything they want to by exercising the power of their minds —> and there is something beyond the Causal universe that we’re not supposed to be able to comprehend until we graduate from the gross, mind-numbing electro-magnetic disturances that rule the material universe. } <— Could this be a decent hypothesis to test and think about and try to prove or disprove? Rumours from the Golden ages hint that science without an open mind is like trying to walk or run with one leg paralyzed.
melted snow on windshield @ 12:21 pm

– 12:21 pm Atlantic Time – melted snow sliding down windshield. –

Snow not melting.

– 12:25 pm – Snow no longer melting on my windshield. –

12:35 - snowy windshield

– 12:35 pm – Ten minutes after the snow refused to melt on contact, we get this on our windshield –

— WordPress just told me I had to upgrade to the next level of their software and then welcomed me to their ‘latest and greatest’ editing experience – Well —> Let me reinstall the classic editor, because their ‘BLOCKS’ Suck! — { Classic Editor has been reinstalled and is working – Yay – Thank you }   ~~~~~ Namesté, God Bless – Blessed Be – Shalom – Salaam – Aloha – and a whole lot of other expressions I haven’t learned yet — ~~~~~ Jim


I think it's cool that one of the newest options in facebook, since they insist on trying to convince you that you NEED to enter all this information is: School Attended " "None of your effing business". If I know you- you know me. If I don't know you, I'll tell you only as much as I want to tell you.

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