Weir 2013  
We're outta here.  
    Today is      This page was last messed with on Saturday, July 27, 2013 2:48 PM

July 2013:

   Discussion on this continues at Latest News From Aerendel.

  Yeah, I know this page is too wide, I'm working on it. This is a template that came with Dreamweaver. I changed the images and popped that whole wide graphic (screenshot) from the mls/oreb listing for our home. This page has a style sheet that it is in quantum entanglement with. Ya gotta change fonts and colours on another page, then make sure both pages are uploaded to the correct files/directories on the web site... then again there's the javascrip links that were to the left...Nope- I didn't leave them there.

   This page came with some cutesy poo text about how nice they were to offer you some sample text to give you an idea of how you might want to 'jump start' your page. For instance: (their ttext) -->"The same is also true for the link text - feel free to change the names of the links to better suit your particular needs. If you have any questions about using Contribute to edit these pages, refer to the Read Me file included with the download or to the Contribute Help System. Have fun and make a great website!"


     - June 23, 2013 (06/23/2013)
    (Notes while cleaning the house up before making it available for photographer and "Viewers". (( 6+5+6=17 / 1+7=8 Today is an "8" day. ))
    ---"Life on a Rapidly Sinking Ship"
    ( Your life as a computer game?)
    (( Who is in control? The Forces of Schnarr? ))
    -((bing!))- "The Corporation of the town of Schnarria thanks you for your service through volunteering..." ((( certificate signed by then Mayor Ebenezer Von Schnarr. Invisible ink? "If it wasn't for volunteers, we'd have to pay somebody for a full time job and therefore would not be able to embezzle all your tax dollars so easily... bwa hahahahahahah!" )))
    -((bing!))- A Dream: Shelley and Jen were dressed in Very elaborate dresses for somebody's wedding ( <--- Found that on 'post-it' type note. )

    -(bing!)- "This is our Distraction Program- If we can keep you off balance and confused while we impliment our secret plot to sell you all into slavery... : We Win!- You lose! (( insert evil faced 'smiley' here )) ...Stop and think- Those forces of Schnarr are doing a pretty good job.
     -Sunday, July 14, 2013 (a "9" day)- Mercury Retrograde. I am having a heck of a time getting this page updated. It doesn't want me to be able to uploade changes and then see them as they should be... Schnarr-


Our Home for the last 10 years:      (this is a .jpg image,The links will not work.)