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  Last Messed With on 11 June, 2010 19:45
( Counter reset 21 mars, 2004 )

(Tigger-Moe in the fridge.)
Click for Ottawa, Ontario Forecast

Arnprior Weather from the Canadian weather network dot com.

(Trailer in the camp site)

  Aerendel Notes, 11 June, 2010

Welcome to Aerendel dot Org. [[ The splashpage now has thumbnail photos ]]

Aerendel Game development Egroup Archives
Astrological Ephermis for 2004 . Astrology Poll . Poll on the Role of Government(s)

Virtual Museum of Canada site. Check out Community Memories/Ontario... Arnprior

Once upon a time, in a very strange place called the 'real world'.... {{ Visit Cathi's Web Log , or Jim's }} Or... an Experimental self-updating TaleRocker~DreamCat Blog/News Delivery Fingy.

Our Message Board/Forum. (On our own site- is here!) This one has had minor problems... couldn't connect with its MySQL data base a coupple times... but Feel free to jump in and say anything that's on your mind.

* New-ish* Magazine Issue #12 is more ambitious than most. We've added a bunch of photos below a reworked old story Jim first wrote when he was in Jr High School.

& There's a new page for all the various guestbooks and forums we have collected over the past 4 years... These are the ones that we believe are still with us... : )

Connecticut Links and Friendly Ontario Businesses have their own pages.

"Vote Caster Page" (Polls) (hosted by Bravenet)

The counter at the bottom of this page was about two hundred hits ahead of the one at the top when we set this page up on the new site here in October of 2003.

 Self Knowledge/Understanding  

Self Realization Fellowship Yoga (Read 'Autobiography of a Yogi'?)

Aura Colors dot com. (Take the test:) - spirituality/reincarnation {They contacted me?}

We now have a link to a free MBTI Personality and Temperament Type Test: Free Type Test

  AND... We now have the beginnings of a page Dedicated to all things INFiPious "INFP"
[ This should be fun... at least for INFP's ]

Religion Selector: Which Religion is most compatible with your ideals and values?


Jim's G3 Mac Desktop, August 1, 2004... ( needs cleaning....?...)

{{ Nephew's Team wins a game... from New London Day }}

(We named him Tigger, Domino named him Moe
He answers to Moe when either Domino or we call him.)

 & Literary Adventures   

**"Legacy" A Novel about a young man who wins the lottery and loses his family, or that's where it starts...

"An UnRemarkable Girl" by dj otterson is still a work in progress. Five parts/chapters of this novel on line now. Has Supernatural and Psychological themes, so consider yourself warned!

National Novel Writing Month Web Site... (Duh, we think this is in Australia, but it sells tee shirts that are made in Ohio?)

{{{ See also, "Magazine Home Page" }}}

  Friendly Diversions: 


Affiliated Book & Music Store (at Barnes & Noble dot com) 
Mythica Art And Vision  (Photos, Art &Good stuff in/from Northern California.)
Elfwood (Fantasy Art and Stories Co-operative?)

: ) Free On-Line Dictionary : )   
: ) Free On-Line Encyclopedia : )   

'Frames' version of this site.

Fun Stuff :

Tom The Dancing Bug (Cartoon)
Unique Houses Page      : )
Arnprior Jernil 2003
photo gallery

News (This world and that?)

BBC News Online (News that many world residents trust more than anything their governments allow their countrymen to know about.)
Matrix Institute (Futurist / Seer Gordon Michael Scallion's Site)
Environmental Cancer Prevention.


{Link-->} A World Apart is DreamCat's (Cathi's) web page on Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) (&/or Autism Spectrum Disorders) and it is here now.

[The drawing to the right, "Burn", was done by her 7 year old son (when he was 3 or 4 years old) who has PDD. : ) ]


(Cathi's Web site is Cathi's Place dot CA) (No spaces, no apostrophe; all small letters...)

 Conspiracy Theories etc.   

Time Travelers from the Future? 35th Century or Beyond? Read this

11 Septembre, 2001 Page


 Useful (?) Information?   

A Metric <--> US Conversion Page Has been added.

Audio Page: Click on Audio Index for Real Audio Talk & Radio Demo Archives.

Most the rest of the {{useless?}} information that used to be on this home page is now at "index2.html" which has replaced our old "links" page.

*** Samples Explanation Page (Sample web pages by an affordable designer:) .
Or view a Sample Start Page.
*** My partner, DreamCat (Cathi's Place) has her sample web pages on line now.

I think we still have our free for all links page. So anybody who visits can pop their own favourite links in by clicking on: Free For All Links Page. (We can change the graphic when we find a better one.)

You may notice the new column to the right, the CBC radio headline news feed (if you don't see anything over there, you may have disabled javascripts in your browser or may be intelligent enough to use browsers that don't allow that sort of thing altogether :) ---->

Free Web Journal from Bravenet Free Web Journal from Bravenet

Jim drew the "Tardis" to the right in some silly limited edition of photodeluxe that came with a scanner. ----->

Morning After Ice Fog
Wasn't really purple. It just showed up that way in a digital flash photo.

Photo (above) is early morning sunlight on a temporary wood pile as seen through one of our kitchen windows. :)

And this is the woodpile as it looked
at about 8:45 AM ; )
(the day the wood arrived...)
The pattern on the garage roof is an optical delusion.


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This site owned by
Jim Wellington

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{{{ Background and Celtic Gems 'Bars' by Valkyrie Graphics (click on graphic link above.) : }}}


The Google "Safe Search" engine on the right will *Not* list a bunch of "XXX" sites on you.


      (Last Messed With on Somebody's Birthday: Friday, 11 June, 2010 19:45)

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